What do I need to consider when relocating on campus?

IT Related Information for Office Relocations


When preparing for an office relocation, there are a few things to take into consideration.  The following article captures the most common components of a relocation.  Please review each of the areas below before submitting a request for assistance in the ITS Relocation Request form, which is linked to in this article.

Network and Phone Jacks

Typically, office locations will be equipped with sufficient network jacks for a single occupant.  However, it is recommended to check the new location to make sure there are enough network jacks.  Usually, one will be needed for a desktop computer and one may be needed for an office printer.

In many offices, network jacks are available on two different walls.  It will be helpful to review the space to ensure that network and phone jacks are on or near the wall where a desk will be placed.  Network and phone cables are limited to 20 feet and cannot cross a doorway or lie on a floor in a way to cause a potential tripping hazard.

If phone and/or network jacks are not available, the space will need to be assessed to determine if adding these services is possible and how long it may take.  This needs to be resolved before proceeding with any other relocation related activities.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding network and/or phone service locations, please include that in the description of the ITS Relocation Request form.

Scheduling the Moving Crew

Essentially all other processes related to a relocation are contingent upon when the physical move actually takes place.  If any physical items need to be moved, then a work order must be submitted to Facilities, Maintenance and Operations.

Once the move date is determined, this information will need to be provided to all other departments involved in the process.  For IT related services, this date will be requested in the ITS Relocation Request form.

Phone Service Changes

The person moving will need to determine which phone service option is most appropriate for their situation:

  • Existing phone service moved to the new location, keeping the same extension, voicemail and PBN.
  • The person will use an existing phone service that is already set up at the new location, which will require voicemail configuration and possibly a change in PBN.
  • A new phone, voicemail box and PBN will be needed.
  • For temporary relocations, it may be sufficient to forward the current extension to an existing phone in the new location.

In rare cases, it is possible that no phone service changes will be required.

Relocation of Computers and Related Equipment

Often, when a person moves, the computing equipment assigned to that person will move with them, but this is not always the case.  Reaching out to the supervisor or a quick call to the Helpdesk may provide clarification.  Computers, both laptops and desktops should have a SUNY Asset Tag.  This information should be collected for any computers related to the move.  The following situations are possible and should be determined before submitting the ITS Relocation Request.

  • Current computer/laptop is moving with the person.  Please identify the asset tag for this device.
  • The person moving will be using a computer/laptop that already is set up at the new location.  Please identify the asset tags for both the original computer and the computer in the new location.

This may have already been resolved separately and no additional assistance is needed.

Printing Services

In most cases, a shared printer/copier/scanner will be nearby and no additional configuration will be required.  Occasionally, a desktop/office printer will need to be moved.  Please identify the Symquest or SUNY Tag on the printer in this situation.

ID Card Access to Building/Rooms

There are many locations on campus that have card access controlled doors.  The person moving should work with their supervisor to determine which of these doors, if any, they will need access to.  This will need to be identified in the IT Relocation Request form.

Submitting the IT Relocation Request

Once the moving crew has been scheduled (if applicable) and all the necessary information has been collected, the IT Relocation Request form can be filled out and submitted here.


Other Considerations

Electrical Power

In most cases, offices should have sufficient electrical power for normal circumstances.  If there are multiple items being moved that require power, it is advisable to assess the new office space to determine if sufficient electrical services exist.

Request/Return Keys

The person moving will need to work with their supervisor to identify the keys needed for their new location, including access to exterior doors, their office, and any other rooms that are pertinent to their position. 

Once all key requirements have been determined, the Key Request Form will need to be filled out and signed by both the requester and their supervisor.

Any unneeded keys must be turned in at either University Police or the Campus Lockshop.  

Full policy and procedures are found here

Report New Location

Some departments on campus will need to update your location.

Human Resources

Facilities, Maintenance and Operations

Telecommunications will automatically be updated as part of the process of moving a phone.

Other IT Related Needs

In cases where a person is taking on a new role or responsibilities, there may be a need for additional software or access to administrative systems.  These requests should be made separately through the Client Portal.