How do I access my work PC with Chrome Remote Desktop?

  1. In a web browser navigate to
  2. Make sure to be signed in with your Plattsburgh account.
  3. Click on your device listed under Remote devices
  4. Enter your pin number for the connection then the blue button with an arrow.
  5. Sign into your PC as if you were sitting at the PC.


  • Before you can connect to your office PC, Chrome Remote Desktop(CRD) must be setup on the PC. The Computer Helpdesk will need to assist with the setup of CRD while you are at your office PC.
  • If you do not recall your CRD pin to connect to your PC, it can only be reset while you are at the office PC with the assistance of the Computer Helpdesk.
  • Computer Helpdesk: 518-564-4433, 8am-4pm Mon-Fri.



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Article ID: 11303
Thu 2/29/24 8:33 AM
Thu 2/29/24 8:57 AM